A Spring Bouquet of Fashion

A Spring Bouquet of Fashion


Each piece of clothing has its own unique design and color, just like the flowers in your garden. When you mix the right flower combination, you have a beautiful bouquet. Try this concept when choosing your wardrobe.

Sandy is a master at putting different brands together as she demonstrates by choosing Crystal’s striking outfit: black and white print ‘Up!’ pant with a red top and black blazer by ‘Joseph Ribkoff’.


Up! pant, red top, and Joseph Ribkoff blazer


Here’s another combination of a black/white/yellow print ‘Up!’ pant with a ‘Frank Lyman’ marigold top, tying stylishly at the front.


Up! Pant and Frank Lyman top


For a trendy, casual look… these ‘Nygard’ jeggings, coupled with a ‘Dolcezza’ vintage shirt fill the bill.

 Nygard jeggings with Dolcezza top


The ‘Tommy Bahama’ classic cardigan makes a comeback every spring. The ‘TB’ white tie-blouse will serve you well with other outfits. This is the perfect blend with a ‘French Dressing Jean’ (FDJ) skirt.

 Tommy Bahama top and sweater with FDJ jean skirt


Our spring/summer socks have arrived. Now is a good time to stock up because they do sell quickly. Popular brands: ‘McGregor, Feel Good Bamboo, Calvin Klein, Weekender’. You’ll love some of the fun patterns by ‘SockSmith’ for a change of pace; illustrating pineapples, flowers, musical notes, dogs, birds, giraffes, seashells, weights - whatever your interests are.


spring/summer socks


This bright pink ‘Joseph Ribkoff’ top is just about the prettiest shade of pink I’ve ever seen. You’ll be surprised how wearing a bright color can cheer you up on a dreary day. The ‘JR’ side-looped black capris would be a classic addition to your wardrobe too.

 Joseph Ribkoff capris and top


So glad to see the new shipment of “Putorti’ sweaters in. I bought my first Putorti last fall and I can honestly say it’s the best sweater I’ve ever owned. The design is so flattering, the length is perfect, colors are amazing, and the quality is above reproach. It will be my ‘go to’ brand for sweaters from now on. They’ve always had the pullovers and are now offering cardigans, too.


Putorti sweaters

Putorti sweaters


You probably know about our Sympli Trunk and Fashion Show which will be held in our store on March 26 from 4:00-8:00 p.m., and we hope to see you there. Sympli’s new spring collection will blow you away. If you like the classic, sophisticated look this subdued gray outfit, modeled by Crystal, will surely satisfy you. Sandy decided to give it a pop with a bright yellow bag.



This innovative gray ‘Sympli’ top can also be used as a vest with any color worn underneath it. So versatile and neutral that you can wear it as is - dress it up by putting a ‘SleeveyWonder’ underneath, or dress it down by adding a bright T-shirt underneath.



The incredible wavy striped ‘Sympli’ duster can come in handy for so many purposes – looking very stylish over a black dress, used as a neutral cover-up with jeans or dress pants, or just keeping it handy to add a little warmth if you’re wearing something sleeveless – a must have!




Animal prints do not go away. Exotic animals have inspired designers to incorporate their unique patterns into the most exquisite fabrics made in the fashion industry. ‘Joseph Ribkoff’ has used the leopard spots in their new sweater set, (shell and cardigan), sold as a 2-piece set. Also, in a striking sleeveless top with a matching pencil skirt (calves-length). A simple black jacket would top this outfit off nicely.

Joseph RibkoffJoseph Ribkoff

Q. & A.

Q. When I shop, I’m always in a hurry – usually just looking for the one item I need that day, like a pair of jeans or a bra. Sometimes a special item will catch my eye and I don’t have time to try it on. I find my wardrobe is “helter-skelter” and I have nothing that goes well together. I need help!

A. You need a starting point. First, be kind to yourself and try to shop when you have a little extra time. If that’s not possible, when you see an item that is calling to you, buy it immediately (no second thoughts). These are usually the clothing items that will become our favourites. Next time wear it when you come into the store, then we can give you suggestions to create an outfit to your liking. A good wardrobe does not necessarily require a lot of planning – impulse usually works best!

Yours in ‘passion for fashion’,


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